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删除144字节 、​ 2022年10月31日 (一) 17:41
第107行: 第107行:  
* 此电脑、回收站和网络现在使用重新设计的右键菜单。
* 此电脑、回收站和网络现在使用重新设计的右键菜单。
* Win32程序标题栏现在使用Mica(云母)材质。
* Win32程序标题栏现在使用Mica(云母)材质。
* Enhancements to the Snap functionality.
* 捕获功能的增强。
* Touch gestures have been improved.
* 改进了触摸手势。
* The system print dialogs and the print queue window have received major UI redesigns. They now properly support dark mode and they now can automatically detect and install printers.
* 系统打印对话框和打印队列窗口已进行了重大的 UI 重新设计。它们现在正确支持暗色模式,可以自动检测和安装打印机。
* 任务管理器被重新设计,它基于WinUI,效率模式被添加在其中。
* 任务管理器被重新设计,它基于WinUI,效率模式被添加在其中。
* The Xbox controller bar has been added which contains instant shortcuts to all PC game launchers installed on the device.
* 添加了 Xbox 控制器栏,其中包含设备上安装的所有 PC 游戏启动器的即时快捷方式。
* Clipchamp和Microsoft Family Safety(仅限家庭版)预装在系统内。
* Clipchamp 和 Microsoft Family Safety(仅限家庭版)作为预装APP提供。
* Windows Media Player被重命名为旧版 Windows Media Player。
* Windows Media Player被重命名为旧版 Windows Media Player。
* File Explorer updated the Quick Access page to support file pinning. It was also renamed to "Home".
* 文件资源管理器更新了快速访问页面以支持文件固定。它也更名为“Home”。
* Windows Update 将安装更新当更多能源可用。
* Windows 更新将安装更新当更多能源可用。
* Voice Access has been added as a modern replacement for the legacy Windows Speech Recognition feature.
* 添加了语音访问作为旧版 Windows 语音识别功能的新式替代品。
* System-wide Live Captions have been added.
* 添加了系统范围的实时字幕。
* 启动动画被更改。
* 启动动画被更改。
* The internet connection requirement during device setup has now been extended to the Pro edition.
* 设备设置期间的互联网连接要求现已扩展到专业版。
* Games running in windowed mode now properly support Auto HDR and VRR.
* 在窗口模式下运行的游戏现在支持自动 HDR 和 VRR。
* “智能APP控制”被添加。
* “智能APP控制”被添加。
* Hyper-V ARM Generic Arch Timer support has been added.
* 添加了 Hyper-V ARM 通用 Arch 计时器支持。
* Windows Sandbox, .NET Framework, and Internet Infomation Services (IIS) now have a version that runs natively on ARM64-based devices.
* Windows 沙盒、.NET Framework Internet 信息服务(IIS)现在都有原生运行在基于 ARM64 的设备上的版本。
* Added the /machine parameter to the start command, which specifies what architecture to start the process with (applicable to .NET Framework AnyCPU apps and ARM64X apps).
* /machine 参数添加到 start 命令,该命令指定用于启动进程的体系结构(适用于 .NET Framework AnyCPU 应用程序和 ARM64X 应用程序)。
* Attempting to run ARM32 apps on ARMv8 processors that do not support the ARMv7 instruction set will cause the "This app can't run on your PC" message to appear, rather than crashing directly in previous versions.
* 尝试在不支持 ARMv7 指令集的 ARMv8 处理器上运行 ARM32 应用将导致出现“此应用无法在电脑上运行”消息,而不是在以前的版本中直接崩溃。
====Moment 1更新====
====Moment 1更新====
The Moment 1 update has been released to the public on 18 October 2022 with the release of build 22621.675 (KB5019509) as an optional update. It introduces tabs in the File Explorer as well as a new Open With dialog, which was redesigned in accordance with the Windows 11 design guidelines. The taskbar overflow experience has been updated, meaning that when the taskbar is full, an ellipsis button now appears that displays a popup with the icons that would not have fit. Suggested Actions, a feature that offers actions relevant to selected content, has also been added, although it is currently available only to North American users. Also, based on users feedback, the "Always show menus" option has been removed.
The Moment 1 update has been released to the public on 18 October 2022 with the release of build 22621.675 (KB5019509) as an optional update. It introduces tabs in the File Explorer as well as a new Open With dialog, which was redesigned in accordance with the Windows 11 design guidelines. The taskbar overflow experience has been updated, meaning that when the taskbar is full, an ellipsis button now appears that displays a popup with the icons that would not have fit. Suggested Actions, a feature that offers actions relevant to selected content, has also been added, although it is currently available only to North American users. Also, based on users feedback, the "Always show menus" option has been removed.

