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删除292字节 、​ 2022年10月31日 (一) 20:30
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* 尝试在不支持 ARMv7 指令集的 ARMv8 处理器上运行 ARM32 应用将导致出现“此应用无法在电脑上运行”消息,而不是在以前的版本中直接崩溃。
* 尝试在不支持 ARMv7 指令集的 ARMv8 处理器上运行 ARM32 应用将导致出现“此应用无法在电脑上运行”消息,而不是在以前的版本中直接崩溃。
====Moment 1更新====
====Moment 1更新====
The Moment 1 update has been released to the public on 18 October 2022 with the release of build 22621.675 (KB5019509) as an optional update. It introduces tabs in the File Explorer as well as a new Open With dialog, which was redesigned in accordance with the Windows 11 design guidelines. The taskbar overflow experience has been updated, meaning that when the taskbar is full, an ellipsis button now appears that displays a popup with the icons that would not have fit. Suggested Actions, a feature that offers actions relevant to selected content, has also been added, although it is currently available only to North American users. Also, based on users feedback, the "Always show menus" option has been removed.
Moment 1更新已于2022年10月18日随内部版本22621.675(KB5019509)作为可选更新发布向公众发布。该更新在文件资源管理器中引入了选项卡以及新的“打开方式”对话框,该对话框是根据 Windows 11设计指南重新设计的。任务栏溢出体验已更新,这意味着当任务栏已满时,现在会出现一个省略号按钮,该按钮显示一个弹出窗口,其中包含不适合的图标。还添加了“建议操作”功能,该功能可提供与所选内容相关的操作,尽管它目前仅适用于北美用户。此外,根据用户反馈,“始终显示菜单”选项已被删除。
The Widgets taskbar button has also received some improvements and in addition to the already supported weather forecast information, it can now also show sports or finance tickers, or breaking alerts. The button will now also shrink in size if the taskbar gets too full. Furthermore, starting with this update, the legacy Console Host is replaced by the Windows Terminal as the default terminal application.
小组件任务栏按钮也得到了一些改进,除了已经支持的天气预报信息外,它现在还可以显示体育或财经行情,或突发警报。如果任务栏太满,按钮现在的大小也会缩小。此外,从此更新开始,Windows 终端将替换旧版控制台主机作为默认终端应用程序。
It is said that Windows 11 as of the Moment 1 update finally corresponds to the feature set planned for the original Sun Valley project.
据称,Windows 11直到Moment 1更新,才对应于Sun Valley项目原本所计划的功能集。
====Moment 2更新====
====Moment 2更新====
The Moment 2 update has been introduced to a subset of users in the Beta Channel on 29 September 2022, starting with build 22623.730. So far, it contains a new tablet-optimized taskbar, as well as a reimplementation of the Win32 system tray icons, which now use the same hitbox graphic as other buttons in the taskbar corner. The "show hidden icons" flyout has been updated as well, featuring an animation and a shadow effect.
Moment 2更新已于2022年9月29日向Beta通道中的部分用户提供,始于内部版本22623.730。到目前为止,它包含一个新的平板电脑优化任务栏,以及Win32系统托盘图标的重新实现,这些图标现在使用与任务栏角落中其他按钮相同的命中框图形。“显示隐藏图标”浮出控件也已更新,具有动画和阴影效果。
Widgets now got an updated UI, removing the old header in place of a new header that features two variants: a sidebar one, and a command bar one. Currently, this feature isn't being documented yet, but it is available to a subset of users.
小组件现在获得了更新的 UI,删除了旧标题,取而代之的是具有两个变体的新标头:侧边栏和命令栏。目前,此功能尚未记录,但可供部分用户使用。
The Search entry point also has been redesigned as well, however unlike their Copper counterpart, only three variants are available. Currently, this feature isn't being documented yet, but it is available to a subset of users.
任务栏的搜索也进行了重新设计,但与Copper周期的Insider Preview版本不同,只有三种变体可用。目前,此功能尚未记录,但可供部分用户使用。
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