、 2022年12月25日 (日) 11:26
{{NavBar|[[Windows 桌面操作系统]] > [[Windows RT]] > '''6.2.8194.0.winmain.120127-1917'''}}
{{ Infobox Buildinfo
|image = Windows8-6.2.8194-Desktop.png
|imagecaption = 6.2.8194.0.winmain.120127-1917
|kernel = 6.2
|arch = ARM32
|sku = 不明
|language=English (United States)
|timebomb = 不明
|key = 不明
此构建在 MSDN "Building Windows 8" 博客 "Building Windows for the ARM processor architecture" 的视频中显示。<ref>[https://channel9.msdn.com/posts/Building-Windows-for-the-ARM-processor-architecture Building Windows for the ARM processor architecture - Channel 9]</ref><ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20160117081544/https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/b8/2012/02/09/building-windows-for-the-arm-processor-architecture/ Building Windows for the ARM processor architecture - Building Windows 8]</ref>
视频演示了此构建以显示 ARM 架构上应用程序的使用情况。
8194RT Explorer.png|Windows 资源管理器