Windows 95

来自BetaHeritage Wiki
ThinkBou讨论 | 贡献2022年11月23日 (三) 22:53的版本
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Windows 95 的部分 Build 由于“得天独厚”的内核导致体验不稳定,请做好心理准备

  • 可用Build
  • 已确定存在的Build
  • 不能确定真实性的Build
  • Fake Build

  • 页面存在
  • 页面不存在


Beta 1

Beta 2

Beta 3

Release Candidate 1

Pre-Release to Manufacturing

Release to Manufacturing

International Beta

Release to Manufacturing

OEM Service Release 1 RTM

OEM Service Release 2 Beta 1

OEM Service Release 2 Beta 2

OEM Service Release 2 Beta 3

OEM Service Release 2 Beta 4

OEM Service Release 2 RC1

OEM Service Release 2 RTM

OEM Service Release 2.1 Beta 1

OEM Service Release 2.1 Beta 3

OEM Service Release 2.1 RC1

OEM Service Release 2.1 RTM

OEM Service Release 2.5 Beta

OEM Service Release 2.5 RTM


BetaWorld 百科-Windows 95