Windows 10:10.0.10586.1078.th2 bnb arm64.160124-1800

来自BetaHeritage Wiki
YZ22B338807讨论 | 贡献2025年2月11日 (二) 15:59的版本 (创建页面,内容为“Windows 10 build 10586.1078 (th2_bnb_arm64) is an internal post-RTM build of Windows 10 November Update, which was found on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 (MSM8994) Large…”)
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Windows 10 build 10586.1078 (th2_bnb_arm64) is an internal post-RTM build of Windows 10 November Update, which was found on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 (MSM8994) Large Interface Qualcomm User Interface Device (LIQUID) Reference Platform. Several screenshots of this build in the ARM64 architecture and the CoreARM SKU running in the QEMU emulator were posted on the BetaWiki Discord server on 2 February 2025, along with its Recovery Environment WIM.

This build notably features an early version of the x86-to-ARM (XtA) JIT compiler, which allows running certain x86 applications, and is the earliest known client build of Windows on ARM64 to feature the full desktop experience.

Unlike other Windows 10 November Update builds, this build uses test code signing and as a result can be booted on the current date.

Bugs and quirks

The Recovery Environment launcher (RecEnv.exe) is broken and will crash out with an error in this build. It is possible to bypass the error by modifying winpeshl.ini in the WinRE image to point to the Command Prompt (X:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe), which will make it act more like a WinPE by launching the Command Prompt instead of the broken recovery tools.


Full build (unavailable)

Recovery Environment

Reference Device