Windows onecore base cobalt.161130-1813

来自BetaHeritage Wiki
YZ22B338807讨论 | 贡献2025年2月11日 (二) 16:01的版本 (创建页面,内容为“'''Windows 10 build 14978''' is an internal build of Windows 10 Creators Update. A screenshot of this build ARM64 compile's <code>SOFTWARE</code> registry hive b…”)
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Windows 10 build 14978 is an internal build of Windows 10 Creators Update. A screenshot of this build ARM64 compile's SOFTWARE registry hive being mounted in the Command Prompt and displaying the full build tag was posted on the BetaWiki Discord server on 2 February 2025, and later WinRE of this build was leaked on the same day.


Screenshots shared prior to publication